What does Object2Fact do?

OBJ2FACT converts polygonal Wavefront OBJ files to the FACT file format. If there are UV-coordinates in the OBJ they will be written into the converted FACT and can be used for texturing within the Electric Image Animation System. OBJ2FACT gives you sophisticated controls in this process to get the easiest and best possible translation.

What should this be good for?

OBJ is a widely used 3D geometry format. Most 3D paint applications, image based modelers and many other highend 3D animation systems support this file format and its UV capabilities. With OBJ2FACT you can

  • bring full textured OBJs from various 3D applications right into EI
  • convert full featured characters from applications like Poser for use in EI
  • convert full textured props from Canoma or Realviz and other image-based modelers for use in EI
  • convert OBJs from Modo, ZBrush or other sophisticated SDS modelers
  • batch convert multiple textured OBJs such as morph targets for use in EI

What does OBJ2FACT not do?

OBJ2FACT cannot assign new UV-coordinates to OBJs. If you want to assign UV-coordinates to a FACT file you have in EI, you must convert it to OBJ and use any capable application to assign new UV-coordinates to the model. After assigning the new UV-coordinates, you can use OBJ2FACT to bring the model back to EI and use the UV-coordinates for texturing.

OBJ2FACT does not convert motion files or moving figures from applications like Poser to EI. The option to use .bvh files within OBJ2FACT was only included to give the user a possibility to apply hierarchical information to the otherwise flat structured OBJ file. During this process only parent/child relationships are established. OBJ2FACT does not shift pivot points or does any other modification to the file. All further use of .bvh data in EIAS like skinning of geometry and connection to bones skeletons is up to the user and not a feature of OBJ2FACT.