3.2.1 Object Selector

Here is a list of all objects that are available in your project. You can filter the objects to be displayed with the Object Filter at the top of the list, or with the Text Filter at the bottom of the list.

You can shift select as many groups as you like to be able to add multiple channels with only one double click. For example, if you have the bones of a hand and you want to add all of the bones X rotation channels to the Active Channels list, you can shift select all bones in the Object Selector and by double clicking on the XScale channel in the Channel Selector, all XScale channels of all selected objects will be added to the Active Channels list.

Note: When you select more than one object in the Object Selector only the channels that the selected objects have in common are displayed in the Channel Selector.

Grouping equally named Channels with #

If you have objects in the list that are named identically, all subsequent objects of this name will be marked with "name not unique". When you have five objects called "Cube" and you assign a channel of one of these objects to an expression script only the first object "Cube" in the list will be affected by Xpressionist. All objects named "Cube" marked as not unique further down the list will be untouched.

You can use the "#" letter to also affect all other objects called Cube in the project with only one statement. Simply shift select two of the "Cube" objects in the list and add any channel from the channel selector to the channel list. The channel will be added with a "#" behind the objects name indicating that this is all channels of all objects "Cube" in this project.

Note: You can't use the "#" shortcut if you want to compile your expression. If you want to compile your expression each object needs a unique name.

Note: When you group equally named channels with "#" Xpressionist will scan the whole list of objects for equally named channels every time it does an update. This can result in slower update times, especially on projects with a large number of groups.

Xpressionist 3.5