3.1.2 Active Channels - Editor tab is upfront

In this box all channels are listed that are currently assigned to Xpressionist. These are the channels that you can use as channels or custom variables in your expression code. All channels that you have added will be listed alphabetically.

You are able to edit this list when you switch to the channels tab. There you can add channels and delete entries with backspace from the list.

At the top of the list is a pulldown menu to sort channels in logical groups. At the bottom of the list is a text filter that let you quick search for channels leading with the letters you have typed into the filter text entry field.

Adding a channel to the Editor

When the editor tab is up front a double click on a channel puts the name of the channel into the text editor at the position of the text cursor. Marked text will be replaced by the name.


You can select as many channels as you like by holding down the Command key on Mac, or the Control key on windows. With a double click on the selection you add all channels to the Editor.

Get current channel value

When you make a double click on a channel while you hold down the option key Xpressionist will insert a statement with the channel and its assigned channels value. This also works with multiselected channels.

Get current value

When you make a double click on a channel while holding down the option key and the shift key only the current value will be inserted at the current text cursors position in the editor. This also works with multiselected channels.


Xpressionist 3.5