Here you have the text editor of Xpressionist. Here you do the main typing of your expression code. You can copy/paste, and undo text. A double click on any channle name will highlight the channel. This is useful for quick replacement.
The editor of Xpressionist incorporates many new features. The most visually are line numbering and syntax coloring. Line numbering lets you better find a specific line of code if you debug your script and you get an error. In the error dialogs the line in which the error occured will be shown. Syntax coloring gives you instant visual feedback on the quality of a line of code. You instantly see what is a comment, what is a channel and what are functions and so on.
Folding text
You can now hide portions of your code by folding it. As soon as you use a pair of comment marks /* */ or a pair of braces { } an arrow will appear next to the first mark indicating that this paragraph can be folded. You fold a paragraph by clicking on the arrow. A folded paragraph is indicated with three dots next to the first line of the folded text and two lines. Note that the line numbering will be dicontinuous at a folded paragraph.