File menu

Here is the File menu of Xpressionist. Here you can open and save your scripts or compile them.


Opens a file dialog for you to select a saved script to load it to the editor of Xpressionist. The opened script replaces everything that was previously written in the editor.


Opens a file dialog for you to select a saved script to load to the editor of Xpressionist. The script will be inserted at the current textmarker position.


Reverts the script to the last saved version of your script. If you have not saved your script before the Revert menu item will be grayed out.


Saves your script. If you have not saved your script before you will get a file dialog where to save your script and how to name your script. Scripts are saved as plain text files.

Save as...

Opens a file dialog that let you save the Script with a new name to a location on your hard drive.


The Compile command compiles the current expression. If the Compile Mode checkbox is not checked in the editor tab of Xpressionist the Compile menu item will be grayed out. This command creates an executable file that will be stored in a temporary folder on your disk.

Compile As...

Opens up a file dialog for you to give the compiled version of the expression a name and save it to any location of your hard drive.

Xpressionist 3