You should always convert all textures to the IMAGE file format first, if you are working with an EIAS version earlier than 5.0.
Align to UV and standard alignment
You can not mix UV texturing and standard texturing within EIAS versions earlier than 5.0.
Shaders and UV space
UV space is not always suitable for the use of shaders. The surface will have seams if you apply the shader to the whole object and the UV space has seams.
Great results can be achieved by the use of UV space and reactive shaders if you have a 3D paint application.
Camera maps and UV space
Camera maps will always be projected onto the UV space if you have enabled "Use UV space" for the model. In EIAS version earlier than version 5.0 this means that you can not work with camera mapping and UV texturing at the same time with this object. Use a duplicate of the object with disabled UV space for camera mapping and compose afterwards.
In EIAS 5 and later you disable UV for the camera map.