If this is how you think of writing expressions, you may think this tool was not made for you - since you don't know anything about math and programming and you definitely don't want to learn anything about it. We tell you that you are wrong!
"My first impression was a certain intimidation (...) Paradoxically it was the big empty windows that scared me the first time when I said to myself HUH! I have to fill this with mathematical formulas?! And I thought it wasn't a very friendly toy and it wasn't for me because I haven't the time to learn a sort of programming language. I was wrong ! (...)
I applied what I learned on a small project called "Skelito's fingers Xpr! Project":
The goal was to drive all of the finger joint rotations by rotating two effectors only: one for the index alone and one for the others fingers. It took me less than 15 minutes to write the expressions.
Now I have to animate 2 channels to rotate 9 joints (4 channels for the 18 joints of the two hands and for 24 with a normal hand of 5 fingers)
My productivity is considerably increased, it's really fabulous ! And it's just the beginning.
I'm still thinking how I did before Xpressionist :))
So I would like to thank you very much for this terrific tool "