1.5 About this Documentation

This documentation is divided into three different parts. The first part is a series of quick getting started tutorials to show you the basic concepts of Xpressionist. You will see how easy Xpressionist is to use. You should get a real good feel for the powers of Xpressionist when you go through this section.

The second part is a description of the interface of Xpressionist. Use it to get an overview over Xpressionist and come back to it later if something is not clear. We tried to make an easy to use interface. The workflow in Xpressionist is very straightforward and you will get used to it very quickly.

The third section is a description of the syntax of Xpressionist - here is all there is to know about XSL. XSL is the expression language Xpressionist uses (Xpressionist Scripting Language). You don't have to read this section from cover to cover, but if you are stuck in your code this is the place to look.

Since the possibilities with Xpressionist are endless we can't provide you with an example for each and every thinkable use of Xpressionist. Nevertheless we have included a How To... section to give you some ideas and inspiration how to get something out of Xpressionist.

Also visit the ELECTRO 303 ressources page. You will find a section called X-pool. This section is made for you to download and share Xpressionist scripts. If you look for support and have questions about the Xpressionist scripting environment also point your browser to the ramjac Forum. Here you will find answers to your questions.

All parts of the manual have cross-links to other related parts. So you can start in the middle and you will be guided by the links to related material. However - nothing is perfect. If you feel uncomfortable with the manual or any aspect of the user interface, tell us. We listen carefully.

Xpressionist 3.5