5.1 What is compiling?

The expression language in Xpressionist is a programming language (actually a flavour of the standard programming language C) that is designed to be understandable to the author who writes an expression. However it is not the best representation of the code for the computer. So whenever Xpressionist executes an expression it reads out the expression script and translates it to something that the computer actually can do.

This is not the fastest method a computer could execute a task since between the script and the execution is always the step of translation by the interpreter of Xpressionist. To avoid this intermediate step Xpressionist lets you compile your expression script. This means that Xpressionist sends the expression script to a C++ compiler which makes an executable program from your expression. Whenever you use this compiled version of your expression there is no need anymore for Xpressionist to interpret the code since it gets executed on the fly.

For basic tasks such as linked objects this is not necessary since Xpressionist will execute them really fast. But especially on large and complex projects the compiling of scripts results in a dramatic speed increase in the execution of your script.

To use this feature you need to install a standard GCC compiler in your system. You also need to follow certain rules while scripting to provide all necessary information to the GCC compiler for him to do the compilation.


Xpressionist 3.5