The GCC compiler is an open source compiler that falls under the GNU licensing sceme. Since this compiler is the standard for every computing platform there are GCC compilers available for all major operating systems.
Macintosh OSX
The GCC compiler comes with every installation of OSX 10.3.x,10.4.x or 10.5x. Look for It can be found on the fourth CD wich holds the OSX developer tools "XTools" on the OSX 10.3 install CDs or on the main install DVD of OSX 10.4. and 10.5. Follow these steps to install the compiler in your System:
Install Xtools from the OSX installer CD/DVD. Make a custom install and disable documentation and examples. You won't need them (and save some hundred MBs). However, if you have enough capacity and you are interested in Xtools you can sure also install the documentation and the examples - it won't hurt.
If you have done this steps XP is ready to compile.
For OSX versions prior to 10.3 or 10.4 you need to download the compiler from the Apple website. Point your browser to and register as a member. You will then be able to download XTools for OSX 10.2.
On Windows we recommend you to install the free Cygwin GCC compiler which can be found at Click on "install cygwin now". This will download a programm called setup.exe.
Go through the steps until you get a selection screen what packages to install. All packages will be marked with "default". Locate the "DEVEL" package and click on "default" to change it to "install". Click "next" and the developer tools will be installed to a location on your harddrive. (the default path is c:\cygwin)
Go to the Windows Control Panel > System > Advanced > Environment
Select the "path" variable in the lower list and click EDIT.
Leave the existing path as it is and add the path to your cygwin installation to the end (in our example the default path). Enter \bin to the end of your path. TERMINATE THE EXISTING PATH WITH A SEMICOLON:
Close the panel and you are set.
If you have done this steps XP is ready to compile.
Macintosh OS9
MAC OS9 is not supported |