The basic work with Xpressionist is very straight forward and was designed to be as easy as possible for the average animator. Compilers are a bit more nitpicking when it comes to interpreting programming code. Since the most basic tasks will not require compiling Xpressionist can operate in different modes to avoid unnecessary complicated scripts for simple tasks.
if you want to compile your expression you need to switch Xpressionist to Compiler Mode. This is done by checking the Compiler Mode checkbox above the main text editor within Xpressionist. When you have done this and installed a GCC compiler in your system Xpressionist is ready to compile. You compile an expression with typing command-k (control-k on Windows™) on your keyboard or by choosing the Compile command from the file menu of Xpressionist.
If the Compiler Mode checkbox is checked Xpressionist will check the syntax more carefully and give errors if your script is not ready for compiling. Also you will not be able to use the compile command if Xpressionist is not switched to Compiler Mode.
When you are working in Compiler Mode you need to follow three basic rules to make your expression compilable. These rules will be explained on the following page. |