3.1.6 Update Project button

Here is a button to update your project. It also checks the syntax of the script for errors for every frame while Xpressionist does a complete project update. The status of your expression will be shown with the idicator right to the button.

This button does a complete project update. This means that all channels affected by Xpressionist will get recalculated for the complete duration of the animation. During this calculation, the syntax of the script gets checked for every frame of the animation. This is important because certain errors can arise only on certain frames. A division by zero i.e may occur only on some frames of the animation. Therefore the script can work on most frames but have a malfunction on a few single frames.

If Xpressionist finds any error in your script you will get an error message describing the error.

Note: you can't undo a project update and leaving the plugin. Hitting the Cancel button won't revert the project update. Use the Syntax check button if you want to debug your scipt.

A complete project update also means that channels that you have deleted from your script will not be recalculated since Xpressionist does not remember them. However, since by default Xpressionist writes custom frames to the frame cells in the project window, the values in cells of channels that you have deleted from the script will stay - even if you have made a complete update with the Update Project button. This may cause undesired results.

To clear the animation information in previously calculated channels you have two options:

The first and recommended method is to simply disable the green arrow for the object in question. This will clear all animation data.

The second method is to select the "recalculate all objects frames" command from the Animation menu in Animator. This has the disadvantage that it will also reset all channels that are controlled by Xpressionist. To redo the calculation of your Xpressionist script go back to the Xpressionist plugin and push the Update Project button again.

This behavior also means that all previously calculated animation will stay even if you delete the Xpressionist plugin from the project window. To clear the animation use the "recalculate all object frames" command from the Animation menu in Animator or disable all green triangles of the objects in question.

This behavior can also be used to animate objects in separated projects and to merge these projects to a master projects without the Xpressionist plugin.

For the frame update behavior of Xpressionist also refer to the Execution Options in the Preference section of the interface.

Xpressionist 3.5