4.15 Errors

There are various errors that can be made when you edit a script. Xpressionist is very friendly when it comes to errors - an inaccurate script will not crash your computer but simply refuse to execute. The script will be executed to the line in which the error occurs and the execution will be stopped at that position.

To check a script for errors click on the Check Syntax button. When Xpressionist detects an error in your script you will be prompted with an error message. In this message is a button that reads "Explain!". When you click this button your web browser will launch and display the related html description of the error.

Here is a list of all Errors that you can encounter when you are writing a script in Xpressionist:

1 ( expected
2 ) expected
3 comma expected
4 bad numeric constant
5 variable expected
6 unmatched }
7 unmatched )
8 operator expected
9 unmatched ]
10 division by zero
11 cannot divide vector by vector
12 cannot divide value by vector
13 operation not defined for vectors

16 vector must have 3 values
17 ] expected
18 indexable variable expected
19 function should take one argument
20 function should take two arguments
21 function should take three arguments
22 void functions cannot be called as operators
23 invalid function call
24 function call expected
25 syntax error
26 ELSE without IF
27 cannot compare vector and float

29 operand expected
30 function needs indexable variable as argument
31 operation not defined for strings
32 illegal combination of operands
33 operation only defined for vectors and floats
34 variable is not linked
35 variable name longer than 256 characters
36 no dot in variable name
37 object not found: object name
38 channel not found: channel name
39 function should take one or two arguments
40 use && instead of &
41 use || instead of |
42 coord error (must be position variable)

44 could not read channel value: xxx
45 channel not animatable: xxx
46 variable index before frame 0 (negative index)
47 filename must be a string
48 can only divide by float
49 uninitialized variable
50 value stack overflow
51 bad character
52 unexpected end of expression
53 operator stack overflow

55 file not found (execute)
56 expression ending on operator
57 left side is xxx and right side is yyy
58 ++/-- only defined for floats
59 variable has a type already
60 variable does not have that element (not .X / Y / ...)

100 facet can only have 3 or 4 vertices
101 out of memory

999 plugin expired

1001 plugin interrupted



Xpressionist 3.5