Every Nth Frame
Enter a value if you want Xpressionist to only execute on every other frame. Default value is one which means that Xpressionist will execute on every frame within the range you have specified above.
Set Keyframes
Usually Xpressionist writes custom frames to the cells in the project window. When this checkbox is checked Xpressionist sets Keyframes on every frame it executes instead. You can adjust the time spacing of keyframes set by Xpressionist with the Every Nth Frame option and the Start Time and End Time.
Update All Frames
When this checkbox is checked Xpressionist will calculate not only the current frame but also all other related frames in the project. This can be useful when you have written a script with a simulation that starts with an initial condition on which all other calculations are based. When you change a value later in the project all previous frames have to be recalculated to reflect the correct state of the animation. This behavior is also known from some particle plugins.
Read also the Update Project Button section for more information how to update your project.
When you check this option Xpressionist will be muted. |