To use Kontrolleur you must give it a meaning. Go to the Plugin Menu of Animator and add an instance of the Kontrolleur plugin to the project. The setup screen will show up (image to the right).
It provides you with the ability to make up to four groups of five animation channels, that will be layed out in the same way they are layed out in the setup screen. You create a channel by simply typing its name into the appropriate text field. If you leave a channel text field blank the channel will not be created. If you leave a group text field blank the group will be named with a default name "Group 3" in example if it has at least one channel.
If you are satisfied with your layout click the OK button. The setup screen will vanish and the plugins interface will be visible:
The channels and groups are as organized as in the setup screen. Rename the Kontrolleur plugin with a name that might better fit your needs. In this example it was renamed to "Controls".
The plugin window always stays on top of all other animator windows unless you close the plugin with the close button. Since it is a non modal window, you can go on animating in Animator while the Kontrolleur interface is always accessible.
If you have closed the Kontrolleur interface you can reenter it by clicking on the Plugin... button in the Group Info Window of the Kontrolleur group.
To open up the setup screen again to make changes to your channel layout click the Plugin... button in the Group Info Window of the Kontrolleur object while its interface is open (make a second click on the Plugin... button).