7.4 How to use Kontrolleur

Back in Xpressionist we can now select the new created socket channels of our Kontrolleur plugin and use them as custom variables in our script.


We replace the main variables in the scipt with the custom variables we have created:

// The main variables of the waveform - also refer to sine() in the manual.

double a = Controls.Waveform.Frequency;
double b = Controls.Waveform.Amplitude;
double c = Controls.Waveform.Shift;
double d = Controls.Waveform.Phase;

Now you can control the shape of the wavefrom directly from the Kontrolleur interface within Animator.

Get example project Kontrolleur_01.prj


In the above example we have also made a channel called "Controls.Type.sin_cos". In the second example project this value is used as a switch between a sine wave and a cosine wave. If sin_cos == 0 the wave is a sine, if sin_cos == 1 the wave is a cosine. This example shows how to use a channel as a switch to switch between different animation modes in your project.

Get example project Kontrolleur_02.prj





Xpressionist 3.5