Functions are shotcuts to trigger actions such as the execution of organizing tasks or shortcuts for mathematical procedures or the creation of objects. It is much easier to use a function than to type an otherwise long mathematical term manually. A function always begins with an acronym for the function name and is followed by a value, or several values - this is called argument - in round brackets:
function( argument )
Some functions will only allow one value as an argument (e.g. abs( x ) ) some others will work with more values as an argument ( e.g. av( x, y ) ). You can capsule functions within each other e.g. abs( av( x, y ) ) - which would return the absolute value of the average of x and y.
To provide you with an easy access to the function set within Xpressionist there is a functions menu in the menu bar. Here all available functions are listed in groups. To insert a function just choose it from the menu. It will be inserted at the current text marker position and the argument will be highlighted to be instantly replaceable. You can of course also type a function manually.
The functions in Xpressionist are arranged in logical groups. Please read the section about the setup of the function examples.
Setup for the examples
1. Limit functions
2. Exponential functions
3. Trigonometric functions
4. Random functions
5. Vector functions
6. Other math functions
7. Curve functions
8. Utility functions
9. Create functions
10. Constraint functions