4.9.7 Curve functions

linear step

linstep( min, max, parameter ) = linear interpolation if parameter is between min and max

linstep( 0, 90, Effector_1.PitchX ) // returns 1 if Effector_1.PitchX > 90
linstep( 0, 90, Effector_1.PitchX ) // returns 0 if Effector_1.PitchX < 0
linstep( 0, 90, Effector_1.PitchX ) // returns 0.5 if Effector_1.PitchX = 45

smooth step

smoothstep( min, max, parameter ) = smooth interpolation if parameter is between min and max

smoothstep( 0, 90, Effector_1.PitchX ) // returns 1 if Effector_1.PitchX > 90
smoothstep( 0, 90, Effector_1.PitchX ) // returns 0 if Effector_1.PitchX < 0
smoothstep( 0, 90, Effector_1.PitchX ) // returns 0.5 if Effector_1.PitchX = 45


hermite( start, end, tan1, tan2, parameter ) // custom hermite spline path

Xpressionist 3.5