New Functionality
Xpressionists interactivity and realtime feedback with Xpressionist scripted objects has been enhanced. Animator will now also render deformations in realtime, if you use a scripted controller object withing the EIAS.
get Project live_deformations.prj
Adressing of Xpressionists relatives
Xpressionists has now access to all child objects, that are linked to the Xpressionist plugin. Xpressionist will now "see" all attached object including lights.
Look here for details
Kontrolleur Plugin
With Xpressionist 3.5 comes a small utility plugin that gives you a basic but fully customizable interface for your Xpressionist scripts.
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Programming API for Xpressionist
Xpressionists inner workings can now be used by other plugins. To make this happen, we have developed a programming API that allows other third party plugin developers to access and interact with Xpressionist. If you are a developer and interested to use Xpressionist for your next plugin please contact Patrick Rosendahl für documents and support.
New Functions Category
Xpressionist 3.5 introduces a new category of function, called Constraint Functions. These functions give you basic constraints and enables you to work with objects in hierarchies. The coord() function has been moved to this category.
coord( object.Position )
placeat(child1.Position, object2.Position)
Places a child object in a hierarchy at the same location as an object outside of the hierarchy and accounts for the parent/child offsets.
Look here for details
lookat( object1.Position, object2.Position)
Returns rotation values. If applied to object1.Rotation object1 will always be oriented toward object2.
Look here for details
New Functions
RGBtoHSV(vector) and HSVtoRGB(vector)
Converts between different color spaces.
XZYtoXYZ(Rotation) etc.
Converts a given rotation order into a different one.
The Manual now has an Index page.
Look here for details
New in 3.0
Xpressionist is now realtime. That means that objects that are linked together with an expression will move according to their expression when you drag them around in the world view windows of Animator. These changes reflect in the Execute Options of the Xpressionist Preferences. The Update Project Options have been removed from the Xpressionist preferences.
Look here for details
New Functions
create_object( "name", "parent", position, rotation, object_specific_attribute)
setup( )
New Interface Functionality
Folding Text
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Value Display
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Get current value / Get current channel value
Multiselection in Active Channel list
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New Functionality
Virtual Channels
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adressing of Xpressionists relatives
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New System Constants
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New since Xpressionist 2.0:
New Interface
Completely new interface with many functional enhancements
New Functions
console( value, string )
delta( value )
coord( object.Position )
New Functionality
Xpressionist lets you compile your expressions
Strings and String Variables
Xpressionist now incorporates String functionality in its syntax.
Xpressionist can now create keyframes.
For-Next Loops
Use for next loops to adress hundreds of objects.
Changes from 1.0
The Syntax for logical operators in conditional statements have changed
You can't define vectors with <<1,2,3>> anymore. Please use this convention vec( 1, 2, 3 ) to define a vector.
Look here for details
The relink channels command that was invoked with an alt-click on the Update Project button will now work on the fly. If Xpressionist does not find a channel in the Active Channels list it will automatically look for it and add it if it finds the object and channel in question or give an error if the object or channel is missing. Added is a new "purge unused" channels command in the channel filter pull down menu.
Look here for details